Kick-off meeting in Madrid

The small-scale Erasmus+ project ‘EmpowerSDGs: Gaming for Global Impact’ got off to a great start with a kick-off meeting held in Madrid, Spain on 21 and 22 February. This meeting marked the beginning of an ambitious effort to promote the social inclusion of young minorities, while advancing the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the innovative use of gamification techniques.

Four organisations from different backgrounds came together to lay the foundations for EmpowerSDGs. With a shared commitment to promoting social cohesion and sustainable development, participants embarked on a collective journey to empower youth workers and young people from vulnerable backgrounds.

Participants collectively charted the course for the initial phase of the project, outlining actionable steps and timelines. Work plans for project activities were meticulously presented, with an emphasis on division of labour and effective dissemination strategies. The meeting fostered a spirit of cooperation and shared responsibility, laying the groundwork for fruitful partnerships and impactful outcomes.

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